Foresee the Futures

Written down below are foretellings of the future foreseen for various mages, most now, long gone.

The Wisest.
Their scroll states...

  • Fields of roses
  • Caves full of flames
  • Charred forests
  • Reign with sorrow...
  • But free, of the stress of caring for tower once full of life.

A... shocking individual...
Their scroll states...

  • Caves...filled with metalic wonders
  • A shocking revealation
  • And unfortunately, a betrayal.

The Flowerer.
Their scroll states...

  • Silence
  • It's deafening.

The Greenskeeper.
Their scroll states...

  • Lush green bushes
  • Dewdrops strung about them
  • It's a peaceful place, for a lowly gardener
  • Perhaps, a bit lonely, but peaceful.

The Ponderer...
Their scroll states......

  • A lonely, desolate, barren chamber...
  • A pondering stone just for him, and naught another soul...
  • Perhap's... it wasn't worth the worry......

The Necromancer.
Their scroll states...

  • A callous husk of his former self
  • He never considered, his own safety, when attempting to raise the dead.

The Repository.
Their scroll states...

  • Rugs, robes, crystals, couldrons, knickknacks, journels, jars, the most vast array of things any individual could have.
  • A hoard of things that do not belong to him, but to that of his prior allies.
  • An unfortunate curse, but one he simply, just cannot, let go of.

Whose in Charge of this Malarky anyway?

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